Member content: retirement

Retirement -

It makes sense for super funds to support conversations with members which drive positive changes and promote health – physical, mental and financial - no matter where they are in life. 

One of the ways our partnership can enable this is through providing targeted content that engages and educates, nudging members to take control of their future and take action where needed.

Throughout the year, there are numerous opportunities to engage with members – both during public campaigns and at key life milestones which provide a natural segue into important conversations. 

Why focus on retirement?  

As a superannuation fund, we know you are focused on the financial future of your members and you’re already working to support them to achieve their best possible life after work. With 2.5 million Australians approaching retirement in the next decade, it’s never been more important that members have all the information they need to make informed decisions on their retirement.

Our latest TAL research What I wish I knew about retirement aims to support the direction of conversations with members by shedding light on the retirement needs of Australians. It provides valuable insights into the expectations of those approaching retirement and the realities of those living in retirement, highlighting opportunities for super funds to provide members with additional support no matter what phase of life they might be in.  

One key insight is that among Australian pre-retirees, 34% don’t know what to do with their super when they retire and 51% are looking to their super fund for guidance. 

What can we do?

Together, we have an important role to play in ensuring members engage with their financial health so they can live life to the fullest – not only while they’re working, but into retirement as well. We also have an opportunity to help prepare Australians in other areas they may not be considering, like their physical and mental health too. We can do that by providing content to support you in educating your members, and helping nudge them to consider their personal circumstances.

Take action 

Visit our Member Content page to access all of our member content toolkits and where you can download content to use in your member engagement and education communications. 


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