Meet our team: Chantelle Everett

Industry -

As TAL announces claims benefits paid for our last financial year, we sat down with Chantelle Everett, TAL’s newly appointed General Manager, Group Claims to get her perspective on the claims function and how it supports members when they need it most. We also find out more about TAL’s unique approach to managing psychosocial hazards for frontline teams.

You commenced in your new role this month. What was the career journey that led you this point?

I’ve worked in the financial services and insurance sector for most of my career which now spans nearly 20 years. I’ve been at TAL for 13 years, having most recently held the role of Head of Claims, Governance and Risk prior to commencing in the General Manager, Group Claims role.

I’ve taken over from Chris Healey who many of our partners will know well. Chris has moved to the role of General Manager, Platform Delivery, Group Life & Retirement within the Technology team.

TAL recently announced the highest annual claims ever paid by an Australian life insurer with $4.2 billion in claims benefits in the 12 months to 31 March 2024 paid to more than 50,000 Australians1. What do these statistics mean for members with TAL life insurance?

For me, these are more than just numbers, they represent the responsibility we have to make a positive impact on the lives of each individual. It means that members can be confident that supported by TAL’s scale, we’ll be there for them, providing the peace of mind for them to focus on their recovery or ensure their family can continue with the lifestyle they’d planned.

Our commitment is also reflected in the latest APRA life claims data which shows that TAL had the lowest disputes incidence across the industry, together with the fastest average TPD and equal fastest IP claims processing times. I’m proud of how these numbers show that our team is able to keep true to our philosophy that members are at the heart of what we do, even working across these volumes.

How does TAL’s claims philosophy translate to member experience?

Our claims philosophy is simply that we will deliver on the promise we make to every member, ensuring they understand and feel confident in how they will handle their claim. It’s our North Star and it’s expressed in the way we support members as they progress through their claim journey - acknowledging that the interactions we have are equally as important as the claims decisions we make. A seamless and personal experience throughout the claims journey is fundamentally important, as is timely and accurate decision-making.

How do members know they’ll get the support they need to get their lives back on track?

With the majority of TAL’s claims paid to people as they recover from an illness or injury, it’s important that we meet their needs as they claim, and also with personalised support on their path to recovery. This means being flexible and really understanding their circumstances so we provide the right level of support at the right time to suit their individual needs.

What is TAL doing to invest in a leading member experience? 

TAL is focused on industry leadership in claims and providing a consistent, supportive claims experience for every member, through ongoing investment in upskilling frontline employees, alongside TAL’s technology channels. Supporting members starts with providing our claims consultants with the tools and training they need to be there for each member throughout their claims journey.

Digitising parts of the claims process is also key to a more seamless claims experience for our superannuation fund partners and their members. We continue to invest in providing our superannuation fund partners and their members with control and visibility to engage with their insurance or manage their claim, to create a faster and better experience when making and managing claims.

The outcome is that we’re seeing some excellent improvement in member experience including:

  • Faster outcomes: fewer delays between fund administration and TAL
  • Earlier payments: full digital experience provides greater confidence and control
  • Quicker recovery: faster access to rehabilitation so members can get back on track sooner
  • Less friction: less opportunity for handoffs and complaints
Managing psychosocial risks for frontline TAL teams has been a key focus for your role as Head of Claims, Governance and Risk. Can you share some of the key aims of the program?

Even before the recent regulatory changes were put in place, TAL has been working to understand the challenges our frontline teams face and how this may impact their wellbeing. We know that in order to best support members, it’s important that our teams are also supported to be at their best.

Claims Consultants can experience hazards such as vicarious trauma and customer aggression as they support members who are experiencing grief and loss surrounding the situation that led to their claim. We’ve developed training and invested in voice analytics technology to identify concerns early and an escalation pathway including psychologist support where needed. We also have a program of work planned for the coming months which will make further significant steps forward in the way we manage hazards and support claims consultants.


1 This includes payments under Income Protection, Involuntary Unemployment, Terminal Illness, Total and Permanent Disability and Trauma types of cover.



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