Retirement: in the spotlight

Retirement -

On 31 July, TAL was proud to sponsor ASFA’s second annual Spotlight on Retirement conference in Melbourne. It was a great opportunity for leaders from across the superannuation industry to come together to discuss the current trends shaping the retirement landscape. 

Speaker sessions throughout the conference explored a range of topics, including:

  • how labour market trends are shaping perspectives on retirement
  • financial risks and challenges facing younger and older members
  • potential advice opportunities emerging from the Quality of Advice Review
  • the evolving role of aged care.
Navigating the uncertainties of retirement

In the first session of the day, TAL participated in a ‘research round-up’ with representatives of Mercer, Vanguard and ASFA, who each provided insights from their organisation’s latest retirement research.

Shaun Bransdon, TAL’s Head of Product and Retirement, shared highlights from our recent What I wish I knew about retirement whitepaper, plus additional insights into the expectations of pre-retirees versus the lived experience of retirees.

Designing inclusive experiences for older members

Later in the day, Shaun took to the stage again to chair a panel session focusing on the member experience. He was joined by panellists Jennifer McSpadden (Head of Retirement, Brighter Super), Kate Leplaw (Head of Member Experience, AustralianSuper), and Jenny Nguyen (General Manager – Digital Experience, TAL).

During this session, the panellists discussed some of the key considerations for funds when designing experiences to support their retirement products and services. As members come from diverse backgrounds – with varying levels of literacy and financial education, and potentially a range of different health and disability challenges – these experiences need to be designed so they’ll be as effective and beneficial for as many members as possible.

The panellists also spoke about the Importance of using simple solutions, products and language so we don’t just end up digitalising complexity. Overall, the session provided valuable food for thought on how funds, insurers and service providers across the ecosystem can work together to help more members retire with confidence.

TAL’s retirement research highlights
  • 62% of pre-retirees feel unprepared for retirement. 38% don’t think they’ll have enough money to retire comfortably.

  • The chances of someone aged 65 today living another 30 years or more is 28% for women and 20% for men. One-third of retirees now expect to live longer than they did when they first retired.
  • To manage cost-of-living pressures, 3 in 5 retirees have reduced their discretionary spending on things like travel and entertainment. However, 3 in 10 retirees now in their 70s wish they’d enjoyed their early retirement years more, rather than saving for a rainy day.
  • 38% of retirees are worried about their ability to make financial decisions 20 years from now. Among retirees over age 80, 71% rate their financial health as poor or average.
  • The top concerns for pre-retirees and retirees are:
  1. Declining physical health
  2. Reduced mobility
  3. Needing long-term healthcare
  4. Cognitive decline
  5. Super running out/not having enough money.


For more insights into the needs, expectations and concerns of older Australians, download our  What I wish I knew about retirement whitepaper. 


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